The Pioneer in Glyconutrition
In the early 90’s, a scientist named Dr. Bill McAnalley was working at a pharmaceutical company, studying Aloe vera. He was trying to find the biologically active ingredient in Aloe that provided relief to burns. In the process, he discovered Acemannan or acetylated mannose, a long-chain, naturally occurring sugar containing glycans. Glycans assist with cell-to-cell communication and support the immune system, the gastrointestinal system and cognitive function.* Excited about Aloe vera’s immense potential as a therapeutic agent, a group of entrepreneurs and scientists formed Mannatech to bring the beneficial healing properties of Acemannan to the world.

The Purest Form of Acemannan
Through years of testing and perfecting their proprietary technology and agricultural techniques, Mannatech consistently increased the molecular weight of Acemannan from just over 1 million Daltons (Da) to 2.6 million Da, culminating in a pharmaceutical grade of Acemannan. According to the Chemical Abstract Service, Acemannan is a highly acetylated mannan with the high molecular weight (MW) of 1-2 million daltons.
While other companies say they have Acemannan in their products, only Mannatech offers the ingredient in its purest form. Mannatech’s Aloe vera, Manapol® powder, is processed in a way specific to stabilizing the Acemannan content of Manapol which is exclusive only to Mannatech.

Cell-to-Cell Communication
Mannatech pioneered “Glyconutrition” and has used an Acemannan rich form of Aloe vera as a key ingredient in most of its products since 1994. Additionally, Mannatech sources other high-quality, nutrient-rich herbal and plant ingredients from around the world to manufacture their products. Their innovative product line continues to grow each year with launches of new products that help support health and wellness, leveraging the properties of glycans for cell-to-cell communication.*

A Strategic Sourcing Partnership with Agricultural Grower in Costa Rica
Today, Mannatech owns the proprietary formula and has a strategic partnership with an agricultural grower in Costa Rica that uses state-of-the-art technologies to produce the true source of Acemannan. The best Aloe vera is grown on Costa Rica’s nutrient-rich, black volcanic soils in equatorial sunlight, yielding plants with higher Acemannan contents. Organic farming methods are used to keep the soil replenished and fertile with healthy microbes.
Why Aren’t Mannatech Products Approved by the FDA?
Question: If Manapol and glycans were discovered by a researcher at a pharmaceutical company, why did it not become an FDA-approved drug that doctors can prescribe?
Answer: The FDA’s drug approval process (then and now) includes a test called the “LD-50”. “LD-50” stands for the lethal dose that kills 50% of test subjects (initial animal studies). The purpose of the test is to measure the toxicity of a substance by administering higher and higher doses until it kills 50% of the test subjects (often rats). Manapol was tested in this way, but because it has no toxicity, it did not kill any test subjects. Since no lethal dose could be identified, Manapol could not be approved as a pharmaceutical drug. Rather, it was brought to market as a nutritional supplement.
Strong Acceptance of Mannatech Products
Mannatech customers had powerful, positive experiences with Mannatech’s products.* As a result of improved health*, they naturally wanted to share news of these positive experiences with others. This excitement helped to attract millions of satisfied consumers of the products and resulted in very rapid growth. However, that excitement also led to claims that attracted scrutiny.

Trouble in Texas
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rules in place that govern what can be said when selling nutritional supplements. Specifically, makers of nutritional supplements cannot claim that the product can “treat, cure or prevent any disease.” Whether the product actually can do any of those things is not the issue. Makers of nutritional supplements are not allowed to make such claims. In 2007, the Texas Attorney General filed a civil lawsuit against Mannatech to stop excessive claims made by customers and independent sales Associates about Mannatech products.
Specifically, makers of nutritional supplements cannot claim that the product can “treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
Commitment to Compliance
In response to the Attorney General (AG), Mannatech leadership took immediate and comprehensive steps to comply, including replacing its Chief Executive Officer, re-training its large independent sales force and providing compliant tools and language for describing the products and their many benefits. Mannatech also enlarged and strengthened its internal compliance. Mannatech entered into a no-fault settlement and took immediate action to comply with all mandated stipulations. Today, Mannatech continues to endeavor to meet the upmost standards of compliance in all areas of their business.

Sharing Glyconutrients With the World
In the years since, Mannatech’s glycobiological product line of Ambrotose has continued to be our top seller. As worldwide demand for its nutritional supplement products has grown, so has Mannatech, which now operates in 26 markets. Mannatech has invested more than $50 million in continued research, development and validation for its products. To date, Mannatech has been awarded over 150 patents, worldwide. Currently, Mannatech holds 74 patents in major global markets. Few other nutritional supplements companies have any patents at all. Additionally, Mannatech has published many double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, which are considered to be the “gold standard” in scientific testing.
Mannatech has invested more than $50 million in continued research, development and validation for its products.
Why is Mannatech Succeeding?
It’s a relatively small number of businesses which achieve 30+ years in operation. To do so is a great accomplishment. The scrutiny Mannatech has endured would have likely eliminated other companies with lesser products. But Mannatech endures for one reason: People experience positive outcomes from Mannatech’s nutritional supplements* and continue to buy them month after month, year after year. It is important to know Mannatech is the only company to have an Aloe vera product, Manapol, that still contains Acemannan.
People experience positive outcomes from Mannatech’s nutritional supplements* and continue to buy them month after month, year after year.
You be the judge … Now that you know the history supporting Mannatech products.
There have indeed been critics of Mannatech. But there are far more customers and fans of Mannatech’s products. Ultimately, you are the judge. Try Mannatech products for yourself.
As well, do not be fooled by other companies trying to sell their Aloe products indicating they contain Acemannan. Mannatech is the only company in the world that has an Aloe vera ingredient/product that still contains Acemannan. Other companies may have Aloe vera powders, but the processing used destroys the Acemannan component.
Other companies may have Aloe vera powders, but the processing used destroys the Acemannan component.
Learn more about the benefits of Aloe vera and the rich history of Glyconutrients and Glycans

Mannatech Joins in the Fight Against Childhood Malnutrition
To help fight the global childhood malnutrition epidemic, Mannatech’s Mission 5 Million® (M5M®) program helps supply children in need with the proper nutritional support children need to thrive. For every $100 spent on Mannatech products, a one-month supply of PhytoBlend™ powder is donated to the M5M Foundation to help nourish a child in need.

†Glyconutrients are beneficial saccharides found in nature

Mannatech is a multinational multi-level network marketing corporation firm that sells dietary supplements and personal care products, based on a nutritional science called Glycobiology.
Mannatech is committed to providing value-added services to external and internal customers. If you have questions or comments about our company or our products, please contact us.
Mannatech, Incorporated
1410 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 200
Flower Mound, TX 75028 USA
Phone: (972) 471-7400
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.